Leg less Wonders. Snakes in art
Snakes don’t have legs, or arms either. These reptiles look slippery and slimy, but their skin actually feels like cool soft leather. The smallest snakes are no larger than worms. All snakes are hunters and swallow their food whole, without chewing. Snakes are eaten by big birds such as eagles, hawks, and owls.
During cold winters, thousands of snakes may sleep together in a hole underground to keep each other warm.
There are about 2,900 species of snake. The best-known snakes include cobras, vipers, boas, and pythons. Snakes are found throughout the world except near the North and South poles. Most snakes live on the ground, but others prefer trees. Sea snakes live in water.
Snakes grow throughout their lives. A snake sheds its skin many times during its life.
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