Young and beautiful aragonite
Aragonite is a natural calcium carbonate, evolving in the form of thin and elongated crystals. This mineral is white or colorless, and in the ultraviolet light emits blue, pink or yellow fluorescence. It’s named after the place where the largest deposits are located and the most typical samples of this mineral are mined – Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara Province, Spain). It is enclosed in grottoes and mines, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. The largest deposits of aragonite are found in Romania, in the Austrian Alps, in Greece and Japan.
People make beads for necklaces and earrings, and also cut small decorative figures. Aragonite is a wonderful collection material, so-called “iron flowers” are highly valued.
Modern lithotherapy uses this mineral for physical and emotional rehabilitation, restoring inner balance and balanced perception of reality. Its properties are charged with a good mood and give a sense of peace and tranquility, as well as relieve nervous tension. The work with this mineral is recommended for states of anguish and depression, as well as for overcoming seasonal mood swings. This stone helps to discover small pleasures, enjoy the present, drive away irrational fears. It is a true master of “art of living”.
Our ancestors knew about its magical properties many centuries ago. Aragonite was revered in the church and in magical circles. Since it was believed that the stone is able to exaggerate the action of both prayer and magic charms. In some countries, this stone is called a “good” stone, for its ability to reduce rage and to purify thoughts from evil intent.
In yoga, this stone is known as a good source of meditation, which maximally helps to open and clean the chakras. With the help of stone, you can increase your self-esteem and determine the goals in life.
Aragonite is considered the keeper of the family and if there are quarrels in the family, it is only necessary to buy a souvenir made of this stone and everything will be fine. The stone will bring passion to the fading relationship between a guy and a girl.
Aragonite is sometimes called the Mother of Pearl, because it partially or completely consists of the mother-of-pearl shells of mollusks.